Studies by the Competence Center for on-the-go Consumption
Since 2008, the Competence Center for on-the-go Consumption has published four scientific studies. Here you will find an overview of the various publications and their main findings, and you can download the entire studies.
Study: "Leveraging In-Store Technology and AI: Increasing Customer and Employee Efficiency and Enhancing their Experiences"
In the second study of the Competence Center for on-the-go Consumption, the various providers involved in on-the-go consumption were studied further.
Study: "Autonomous Stores: How levels of in-store automation affect store patronage"
In the second study of the Competence Center for on-the-go Consumption, the various providers involved in on-the-go consumption were studied further.
Kanalwahl- und Kanalwahrnehmung in Europa
Understanding which formats consumers frequent for which mission is relevant to effectively compete for convenience retailers.
Study: "A question of taste: Mobility types and their on-the-go consumption"
In the fourth study of the Competence Center for on-the-go Consumption, Prof. Dr. Benoit focussed on convenience and mobility, and surveyed consumers about their mobility behaviour and consumption of convenience products.
Study: "Kiosks in Germany – taking stock"
In the third study of the Competence Center for on-the-go Consumption, Prof. Dr. Benoit investigated the kiosk environment in Germany.
Study: "Convenience in Europe: On-the -go consumption – products, channels and their perception"
Country focus: Germany, Austria, Switzerland
In the second study of the Competence Center for on-the-go Consumption, the various providers involved in on-the-go consumption were studied further.
Study "Convenience in Europe: On-the-go consumption – motives, demands and needs of consumers"
This first study by the Competence Center for on-the-go Consumption lays the foundation for the further scientific work. Convenience was defined and the convenience consumer was placed under the magnifying glass.